Racial Justice Poster

 Racial Justice Poster

This was a poster design I did for a show put on by Raygun Kansas City and SURJ KC. The theme was racial justice and I wanted to make a design about mass incarceration. I think when people in the future look back on our time, they will see mass incarceration, not to mention for-profit prisons, as one of the most profoundly wrong components of our society. What an awful way to make a fortune. Initially I planned on having it say "End Mass-Incarceration" or something of the like, but I decided to go with a broader call-to-action. Too often when incarceration is discussed, even among those who want changes, prisoners, especially non-white prisoners, are talked about as a sort of abstract mass - a problem for society to deal with. Prisoners are people. Let's not allow ourselves to see incarcerated people as less individual than anyone else we know. Any ruined life is a tragedy. Let's not make it so easy on ourselves.