Christmas Baby: At It Again

 Christmas Baby: At It Again

Oh dear, it’s the special time of year again. The time when the towering figure of Christmas Baby appears on the horizon to fill our hearts with joy and our minds with madness. Watch trembling as Christmas Baby rearranges the Des Moines skyline according to the whims of its majestic infantility. Giggle uncontrollably as a drooling Christmas Baby upturns the world as we know it, laying waste to any semblance of order we may have clung to. Some will say that there is no such thing as Christmas Baby, or that- if there is such thing as Christmas Baby- it would be better if there wasn’t. This piece is not for them. But for all those who truly believe, for those who, no matter how old, will always be brought to tears by the sound of the infant behemoth babbling through the night, this piece is for you!